The drama “Geister” by director Hans Henschel celebrates its premiere at the 45th Max Ophüls Prize. The production, created in collaboration with rbb Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg as part of the “Leuchtstoff” program, takes a look at the themes of farewell, guilt, grief, alcoholism, and the power of friendship.
Synopsis: When David (Ali Berber) learns of the death of his once-best friend Andreas (Manolo Bertling), he embarks on a journey into the past. What was initially a short visit for the funeral turns into a confrontation with a troubled friendship. The plot takes a turn when the spirit of the deceased Andreas appears, confronting David with the question of his own complicity.
The film, written by Hans Henschel and Christoph A. Klimke, marks the director’s debut. Henschel, born in 1985 in Havelberg and living in Berlin since the age of 21, completed his directing studies from 2013 to 2023 at the Film University Babelsberg KONRAD WOLF.
The world premiere of “Geister” takes place as part of the 45th Max Ophüls Prize Film Festival on Tuesday, January 23, 2024, at 9:30 PM at CineStar1 in Saarbrücken.